June 29, 2023
AI inside’s Japanese LLM Service “PolySphere-1” Successfully Responds to Prompts of 22.59 Million Tokens
Advances the Business Use of Data Held by Companies

Tokyo, June 29, 2023 – AI inside Inc., which promotes the democratization of AI by providing AI infrastructure, announces the success of the original Japanese LLM service “PolySphere-1” accepting and responding to prompts (text data) of 22.59 million tokens at once without splitting the prompts. This is a result of the R&D by “XResearch,” which conducts R&D and social implementation of generative AI and LLM.
LLMs process the input text data in units of words, letters, and other meaningful units called “tokens.” When data beyond the token length limit is entered as a prompt, it is no longer possible to reference previously inputted words, which may result in lost replies or inappropriate responses. Therefore, it is a common understanding that LLMs that can process longer tokens at one time can factor in more background information and provide more sophisticated answers.
Most general LLMs have an input limit of several thousand to tens of thousands of tokens. However, our originally developed Japanese LLM service, “PolySphere-1,” can process 22.59 million tokens, several hundred times more than those limits.
The token length is one of the critical elements for the business application of generative AI and LLM, and this is one of the advantages of “PolySphere-1.” AI inside will continue to improve the response accuracy for the vast amount of text data referenced and create customer case studies.
For inquiries on “AnyData”: https://form.run/@XResearch (Japanese only)
Use Cases of “PolySphere-1”
Creation of advanced market research reports
The ability of “PolySphere-1” to process large amounts of text data at one time allows for a deeper understanding of the relevance of information across long or multiple documents. For example, the ability to reference many texts in an integrated manner enables the creation of a more accurate report when summarizing a lengthy business report or research paper to create a market research report.
Strategic responding with the understanding of users’ needs
When utilizing “PolySphere-1” as an interactive AI system such as a chatbot, its long token length feature enables it to remember past utterances and respond appropriately based on the context. It can grasp the potential needs through an extended dialogue with the user, for instance, and develop a scenario that makes recommendations customized for each user.
Resolution of highly specialized and complex problems
The more specialized and complex the issue is, the more voluminous the amount of text data involved tends to be. For example, when a legal professional asks a specific question based on a lengthy contract, “PolySphere-1” can process a large amount of information simultaneously and comprehend the entire document to provide a more accurate response.
About “XResearch”
“XResearch” is AI inside’s tech team, conducting R&D and social implementation of generative AI and LLM (Large Language Model). Led by Toguchi, Representative Director, President & CEO of AI inside, the team strongly promotes commercializing services utilizing generated AI and LLM.
Press release: https://inside.ai/en/news/2023/06/08/aiinside-xresearch/
About AI inside Inc.
AI inside is a tech company that conducts R&D and social implementation of cutting-edge technologies, such as generative AI, LLM, and autonomous AI. We provide multimodal AI solutions and professional services that facilitate data-driven business transformation to a wide range of government agencies, local governments, and private companies. We will create a prosperous society where we can all benefit from AI without being aware of it by leveraging our unique AI integration platform to promote business use of AI to provide comprehensive support for DX in all types of companies and organizations.
Company Name: AI inside Inc.
Location: 4th Floor, 3-8-12 Shibuya Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, Japan
Representative: Representative Director, President & CEO Taku Toguchi
Founded: August 2015
Business details: Development and provision of artificial intelligence and related information services
Website: https://inside.ai/en/
*The service names appearing on this site are trademarks or registered trademarks of AI inside.
Contact for Press Inquiries
AI inside Inc.(https://inside.ai) Public Relations Unit
TEL: +81-3-5468-5041 E-mail:pr@inside.ai