January 31, 2024
AI inside Appoints New Executive Officer CPO to Strengthen Product Development and Marketing

Tokyo, January 31, 2024 – AI inside Inc., a provider of an AI platform, announces the appointment of Hiroyasu Kitagawa as Executive Officer CPO (Chief Product Officer) of AI inside as of February 1, 2024 for the purpose of product development and marketing enhancement. Leveraging the experience of leading the product marketing at Microsoft Corporation (now Microsoft Japan) and marketing departments at Cisco Systems G.K. and SAS Institute Japan Ltd. and planning and executing various marketing initiatives and product strategies, Kitagawa will enhance AI product development and Go To Market strategies through communication with various stake holders.
Comment by Executive Officer, CPO, Hiroyasu Kitagawa
Over my eight months of involvement as an advisor, I felt that AI inside has great potential to contribute to the development of business and society. To unlock this potential and deliver a greater impact to society, I will build a new product development cycle centered on marketing and branding and promote a go-to-market strategy as an Executive Officer CPO. I will work with the members of AI inside to accelerate the company’s business growth, leveraging my marketing expertise gained at global companies and my experience of leading business strategy, business transformation, and human resource development. Our society faces multiple critical issues such as aging and declining population, lack of digital skills, and climate change; with the technology and R&D capabilities, AI inside will solve these issues and contribute to creating a productive and prosperous society where people and AI can work together.
After studying computer science at University, Hiroyasu joined Fujitsu Limited and engaged in software development. Since 1993, he has served as Executive Officer of the marketing department for Microsoft Corporation (now Microsoft Japan), SAS Institute Japan Ltd., and NCR Commerce Japan Ltd. He also has over 30 years of experience in marketing planning and execution and leading strategy development and operations for a variety of software products at other global companies, including Cisco Systems G.K. Appointed as Executive Officer, CPO of AI inside in February 2024.
Management team: https://inside.ai/en/ir/executive/
About AI inside Inc.
AI inside is a tech company that conducts R&D and social implementation of cutting-edge technologies, such as generative AI, LLM, and autonomous AI. We provide the AI agent “Heylix,” the AI-OCR service “DX Suite,” and the AI infrastructures “AnyData” and “AI inside Cube” to a wide range of government agencies, local governments, and private companies. Our AI services have been used more than 5.5 billion times by over 50,000 users. Through these initiatives, we will promote the collaboration between humans and AI, and realize the “VALUE SHIFT,” by shifting the time saved through improved productivity and operational efficiency to higher-value-added, advanced operations.
Company Name: AI inside Inc.
Location: 4th Floor, 3-8-12 Shibuya Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, Japan
Representative: Representative Director, President & CEO Taku Toguchi
Founded: August 2015
Business details: Development and provision of artificial intelligence and related information services
Website: https://inside.ai/en/
*The service names appearing on this site are trademarks or registered trademarks of AI inside.
Contact for Press Inquiries
AI inside Inc. (https://inside.ai/en/) Public Relations Unit
TEL: +81-3-5468-5041 E-mail: pr@inside.ai